Proper Field Care
Many trophies are ruined by sportsmen due to improper field care. The following are some helpful field care tips, to help ensure you receive a quality mount:
Mammals: It is important never to ride around with your animal in the back of your truck all day and never to cut the throat. When dragging your animal, keep the head up as much as possible, as dragging the head can harm the skin and hair. For life size mounts, lay the animal flat in a plastic bag and freeze immediately. It is important to freeze any specimen/hide, if not dropping off to us immediately. The longer your animal is left out in the heat, the quicker the animal will break down and ruin.
Fish: Wrap your fish in a wet towel. Ensure the fins and tail are heavily covered, to preserve. Lay the fish flat in a plastic bag and freeze, if you are not dropping off to us immediately. Remember to take a lot of pictures after the fish is caught, to reflect the most accurate detail.
Birds: Sliding the bird head first into pantyhose works best, as it holds the feathers in place. Once in the pantyhose, lay the bird flat in a plastic bag and freeze, if you are not dropping off to us immediately.
If you are uncomfortable with skinning or have any questions or concerns regarding care of your harvested animal, please do not hesitate to give us a call to discuss.